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A Look At Four Effective Types Of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises

Four Effective Types Of Stroke Rehabilitation Exercises

A Stroke is one of the most harmful, and life destroying conditions in the entire world. Every single day, thousands upon thousands of people worldwide, suffer the effects of a stroke, some of which can unfortunately be fatal. A stroke can be best described as a disturbance of the blood supply in the brain. Generally, most strokes can be caused by blood clots and blockages, which ultimately slow down the blood being supplied to the brain.

In order for it to correctly function, the brain requires a great deal of both oxygen, and blood. Slow down these functions, and the brain cells can become starved of nutrients and oxygen, which subsequently causes damage to the tissue of the brain. Strokes can affect a person’s normal everyday motor functions, so something as simple as walking, or speaking, could prove to be an extremely difficult task to complete. People that suffer strokes can go on to make a full recovery, with a little medical help and assistance of course.

In This article, we’ll be looking at four types stroke rehabilitation exercises, meaning that whether these symptoms of a mini stroke in women and men, or indeed a full scale stroke for that matter, are serious, or manageable, you can rest assured that you’ll have these effective types of stroke rehabilitation exercises to refer back to, should a stroke ever affect you, or somebody close to you.

 Stretching rehab exercises – After a stroke, the muscles in the body will often become tight, or lose some of their tone. Because of this, it’s important to stretch the muscles on a regular basis. This can help to prevent muscle tears, muscle cramps, it can aid in flexibility and mobility, and it can help to prevent muscle contracture from taking place.

 Balance rehab exercises – Balancing exercises are vitally important for stroke suffers, as many often experience losses in balance and stability. If a stroke victim does indeed lose their balance, then one of the very first exercises they should learn, is how to maintain and steady their balance whilst in a sitting position. These exercises help to strengthen a body’s core, which has a whole heap of benefits in itself. Standing balancing exercises are also just as important however, and often a patient will be asked to try their best to walk in a straight line, keeping as straight as possible. Each session, they’ll be asked to try to go a little further than the previous session. These exercises are so important as they also help to prevent falls.

Sight recognition rehab exercises – If a patient has temporarily lost their ability to speak, then eye testing is a great way of seeing whether their brains are working as they should be. Many stroke patients will be asked to follow a marker or a light source from left to right. If they’re able to follow a marker or light source, this is a good indication that their motor functions aren’t too badly damaged. As well as this, eye sight is also sometimes affected when a person suffers a stroke. Now however, there are a huge number of optical exercises that a person can practice, to help them regain, or strengthen their eye sight following a stroke.  

Motor skills rehab exercises – As motor functions are often damaged following a stroke, several exercises have been developed to help get a person back to whom they used to once be. Picking up objects, trying to squeeze a ball, trying to write sentences, feeding themselves: These are just some of the seemingly simple sounding exercises that could help get a stroke victim well on their way to a full recovery
Written by: life jr
Life Health | Information, Updated at: 2:45 PM


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