What happens after graduating as finance major? Whether you came from a prestigious university or an established college, you have to sort things out for your future. The first thing to do is to find a job. This assertion will surely leave you asking about the jobs, a major in finance, can apply for and work at.
Commercial Banking
Among other industries, commercial banking provides the most number of jobs to finance majors. There is a broad range of opportunities. You can start from being a teller to handling international finance and trade credit. Therefore, many hopefuls would like to enter commercial banking for the many options that they can work at. With this, experience will give them more skills and knowledge of their field. More so, there is also customer interaction that makes this career excellent.
Investment Banking
Another industry that many finance majors desire to enter is investment banking. These are one of those prestigious works and challenging jobs that you would certainly want. The job generally covers facilitating corporate securities and making it available to investors such as corporate leaders and private individuals. In this field, you will be able to explore your ideas and expand your knowledge on stocks, bonds, mergers, acquisitions and other trades.
Corporate Finance
In this field, finance majors grow from zero to 6 figure savings. But it is not only the high salaries that make corporate finance a go-to field for finance majors. The job is exciting as you will be working on the corporate or company capital. The words that you will encounter, almost each day, are profits and losses. You will be creating financial reports and strategies to keep up the operations of an enterprise.
Financial Planning
As a financial planner, you will be working on the management of an individual’s assets or finances. Considering the individual’s financial goals, you will be creating plans such as financial strategies that will help your client get this done. You’re entitled on assisting his savings and investments. Moreover, you will also handle his tax and estate plans. The fee of a financial planner varies depending on his client. It can be a group, individual or a firm.
Finance careers are also available in the insurance industry. Most of the time, you will work for a large insurance company. With this, you’ll be confronted with a wide range of opportunities as well. You can start as a sales representative or a customer service representative and progress thereafter.
Hedge Funds
There are also a number of careers that wait for finance majors in the hedge funds field. You can work as a marketing manager, financial analyst, quantitative analyst, trader, portfolio manager and more.
Private Equity
Joining the private equity industry is likely to challenging you continually. In here, you are responsible for finding ways to provide businesses with more capital for the purpose of expanding or adding operations. You can work as an interim executive. For instance, you’ll be helping a struggling company change its fate and continue doing business.
A major in finance opens doors to a plethora of opportunities and great scope for growth. The careers related to this field of study are not just lucrative, they are also satisfying and fulfilling.
Written by: life jr
Life Health | Information, Updated at: 6:00 AM